Monday, July 11, 2011

Respectable language

I write, professionally as well as recreationally, so words mean a lot, each one is a choice, some made with no thought, some pondered and considered, debated and researched. I pay attention to language, which words are used say more than the words themselves.
Each person’s vocabulary says a lot about them, as mine does about me. Which words I use changes, with the subject matter, the people I am conversing with, the situation, my mood, the weather, the alignment of the planets maybe.
And I feel strongly about a number of things, some of which might be considered “issues” I suppose, political or social debates, fashion statements, recipes, font choices, baby names - I have an opinion on each of these things, some of those opinions are felt more strongly than others.
Sometimes, I simple, “I’m sorry, but I disagree and feel I must say . . .” simply won’t do. Sometimes only a flat out, “are you out of your fucking mind bat shit crazy” will get my point across.
What I don’t understand is when people say I am too smart or too well spoken or possess too big a vocabulary to use what some people consider foul language when I am in a debate or making a point.
What the hell is up with that?
Yeah, I like a clever well turned phrase, a carefully chosen sentence, just the right adjective/noun combo. But sometimes that perfect combo is “fucking idiot.” Sorry, but its the truth.
So quit telling me, or anyone else, that they are ‘above’ certain language. I like the language just fine, its just that its sometimes fucked up.

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